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Showing posts from January, 2016

Relationships are HUGE Investments NOT Hobbies By Mel

There are a lot of components to maintain a strong relationship with your significant other.   Unlike previous generations this millennium era has a lot of negative influence partially due to advance technology and media which can influence behavior in relationships.  There are myriad ways we could illustrate the complexity of today’s relationships.   You must have a system of understanding as well as strong communication between both individuals.  When a lack of communication is broken sometimes your partner may say irrational meanings especially in all areas in your relationship where you have been loyal, supportive, understanding and caring.   This usually occurs during a low point in your relationship and if you BOTH don’t have complicated thinking to solve complicated problems then your relationship investment will drain itself down the toilet.  What do I mean by Relationship Investments?  I am referring to spending quality ti...

United States of Ideas, Stop the Bickering By Mel

American ideals consist that everyone is entitle to receive equal opportunity to be successful in this country.  An American ideal boils down to ideology .  For example if you are a Democrat you may favor Labor Unions, affirmative action and Plan Parenthood compare to Republican ideology in which you may favor less government and a strong military.  No matter what your ideology is some people unfortunately are held back for a number of reasons to be successful.  It can be your sex gender, color of your skin or your religious beliefs just to name a few.  Our philosophy should be a combination between the two ideologies because there are so many different backgrounds, cultural and ethnicities which makes our country so great.  One example would be to maintain a strong military presence in the world while we continue to invest more into our educational programs without discrimination.  A better education equals a great career, while a strong militar...