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Showing posts from December, 2015

Tim Wise and Income Inequality By Mel

Tim Wise, an anti-racism activist and writer mentioned that every incident has a predicate.  Income Inequality is tied more towards minorities because the ugly truth is the dominant Whites in today’s society always have privilege benefits.  Powerful conservative forces are the protectors of the status quo and insist that wealth stays in the hands of the private sector and wealthy class.  They oppose government policies and programs that hint at the redistribution of public and private resources to benefit Blacks.  As Tim Wise argued, we are living in a Snap Chat nation because mostly Whites want to forget about slavery and other harmful things done towards minorities.  Tim wise illustrated the world we live in compare to the Sci-Fi movie  The Matrix  based on Neo’s decision to take the blue pill which represented a simulated comfortable world or the red pill which represented the real world of physical and emotional abuse based on their uniqueness....

Looking for a Gem when she’s really a Rock By Mel

Why do men go CRAZY over beautiful women?  I believe a large portion is the cosmetology make-up distribute by the media.  It programs particular codes within our brain which inform us who and what we are attracted to.  We are VERY visual creatures and sometimes we have a habit of not peeling off the layers of a person.  For example, most men will literally use every pick-up line and strategic move to engage a woman who looks like Beyoncé because the mass media applies that she is the most beautiful woman in the world.  Fact, you can come across a woman who is physically attractive on the outside and your inner circle is influencing your decision to wife her.  Weak minded men are very superficial because they view women as special objects not as people.  Most men who have this mindset bypass the natural evaluation to mentally view women who are truly compatible with them.  This is where the term thirst comes into play because shallow men pu...