This year is very important to VOTE . Instead of paying attention to your latest ratchet shows on TV or enjoying your vacations certain issues will be decided and it’s critical for you to be involve. With all these recent shootings some sort of comprehensive measure should be done about gun control. According to a recent study from USA Today examined by FBI data, “ 77% of mass killings involve a gun. But killers also have used everything from their hands to saws to baseball bats. Nearly one-third of victims were under age 18 .” This staggering number represents that a change is needed in our current system. Of course the NRA will deflect any reason to make a change. They represent the status quo and use the second amendment as a way to justify that guns are necessary. In my view the reason why they refuse to make any changes is basically for profit. Money can be a blessing and if our current system invests more into norma...
Written words and expressions from a man's perspective.